Postpartum Programs

Start here to get back into a fitness routine after giving birth. Click on the tabs for more information about each.

Reclaim & Restore: Postpartum I

4-Week re-introduction to movement, focused diaphragmatic breathing, pelvic floor exercises, and basic bodyweight movements.

Who is this program for?

The mama who gave birth a few weeks ago and is ready to return to fitness with gentle movement.

Revive & Thrive: Postpartum II

6-week bodyweight / lightweight program that incorporates more movement and strength exercises in addition to the breathwork and core foundation.

Who is the program for?

A mama who has already completed Reclaim & Restore and is ready to keep moving forward, safely.

Resilient & Ready: Postpartum III

6-week transitionary program from postpartum back into a regular fitness routine, with main emphasis still being on breathwork, bracing, and core. 

This program also incorporates safe strength training and functional movement patterns.

Who is this program for?

A mama who has already completed both Reclaim & Restore and Revive & Thrive and is ready for a transitionary program to get back into a regular routine.

Ready to learn more in a discovery call?

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